


The First Circolo Didattico “G. Verga” is positioned into two different buildings, the first one being located in the "Convento" quarter, and the other one in the “Montagna” quarter, which, because of the complexity of their formation, present themselves globally as heterogeneous areas for the social and economic condition of their inhabitants, but which are characterized as “difficult quarters”, because, once the public offices and the few shops close, concentrated in a restricted area, and lacking of club houses and recreational facilities for the free time and cultural and socializing activities, the area remains “lifeless”. For many pupils, going to either of the two school buildings, this means they have to spend their time out of the school doing activities which praise values distant and misleading from those socially acceptable and the taking on of attitudes which show the shortage and sometimes the lack of the most elementary rules of civil life and respect for people and belongings. This situation turns these pupils into an easy prey for petty crime. On the other hand, families, in most of the cases of the so-called “difficult pupils”, without any expectations regarding the school and the institutions in general, are not able to affect their children’s behaviour, delegating the school itself with the task to take care of their formation. This attitude in general causes a sort of estrangement from the school and demotivation towards its proposals, and in this way it helps to enhance the phenomenon of sporadic frequency and withdrawal.
Family economic problems are to be added to all these problems, which force the pupils to anticipate their entrance to the working community and to accept forms of “illegal job”. The complexity of the social and economic fabric of the quarters reflects into the pupils of the two schools imposing differentiated answers to partly different questions and focusing on the rehabilitation of disadvantaged pupils.

- The website of the school
The phone/fax number of the school
0039 095657120

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