
Primary school Antoine Pizon, Huriel, France

Primary school Antoine Pizon is a six classes rural school located in the middle of France (Auvergne), in a medieval village called Huriel. Children are from 6 to 11 years old. There are 144 pupils and 6 teachers.

It’s the first time the school is involved in a Comenius project and it’s very important for pupils to learn how to become European citizens, to exchange with other European peers and to discover different cultures through an "Amazing adventure”.

As the Comenius project deals with European citizenship, we have chosen to present a local famous French female writer, George Sand, who struggled for freedom and women’s civil rights in the nineteenth century.

Coordinators: FLorence Sérange and Jérôme


The Netherlands, Wellantcollege

Our school is located in Gorinchem, The Netherlands.

Philosophy :

Wellantcollege is a community in which – in a green educational environment – pupils, students and teachers learn through sharing, using and creating know how.
The students of Wellantcollege in Gorinchem are 12 to 16 years old. They are involved in international contacts by means of Comenius Projects, E-Twinning projects and e-mail projects. Our students have shared projects with schools in Poland, Turkey, Romania, Spain and Portugal. We are looking forward to participate in Amazing Europe.
Teachers involved in Amazing Europe :

Marjan Nijman - Saskia van Klij - Arie Schalk
website Wellantcollege: www.welly.nl click: Gorinchem

Portugal - Agrupamento de Escolas nº1 de Portalegre

We are a group of schools and kindergartens from the city of Portalegre and from the nearby villages.
Children from 3 to 15 years old are distributed by 9 schools coordinated by a single headmaster.

José Régio is the name of the patron of our main school and he will be the central theme of our journey towards an “ Amazing Europe”, built upon an active citizenship.
Amazing Europe Webpage